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  • Writer's pictureAtlanta Accounting Pros

Why Working Remote Will Be the New Norm Even After Covid-19

While the pandemic presented many challenges and created obstacles most business continuity plans had not envisioned, many companies rose to the occasion and embraced the new way of working. As organizations started the journey of migrating from corporate offices and re-imagining how work would get done, they've found that employees are more productive and happier. Thus forcing them to embrace a new work environment for the future even after Covid-19.

Corporate Life Before Covid-19

Before the pandemic, corporate offices were the symbol for productivity, company culture, and collaboration. Between frustrating commutes, countless meetings, and water cooler conversations, many employees often struggled to get a substantial amount of work done leading to low morale, less productivity and no work/life balance.

The New Norm

It is estimated that less than 30 percent of Americans worked remotely prior to the crisis compared to almost 65 percent in April of this year. Many employers, especially critics of working from home, have been surprised by how quickly and effectively their employees have adapted to their new norm. A vast majority of people enjoy working from home, feeling liberated from the long commutes and less drained from the day to day corporate grind. The flexibility has given them much needed balance and focus. Organizations not only benefit from the boost in productivity and morale, but they have also benefited from the new pool of talent with fewer location constraints.

As we look ahead to life after Covid-19, companies will have to consider their plan of action finding a way to navigate the new work from home culture while still supporting those that prefer face to face work interactions. Perhaps a hybrid approach will transpire. Who knows exactly what the future holds, but companies will find success in planning based on lessons learned during this pandemic.

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