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  • Kathy Jordan

Are you a Home-Based Employee or Are you Working from Home?

You might say to yourself that being home-based and working from home are the same. Actually, many of us were home-based long before the pandemic. We work out of our homes because we're in sales or similar roles and the home is just the hub in a hub and spoke model. The purpose is to venture out from your home to visit customers, expand your network and look for opportunities to grow your business. We were out and about, not sitting in our homes.

There were many folks who went to an office every day until the pandemic shut those offices down. Now, those employees are forced to work from home. It could be that they become home-based, but it's not likely for all. There are a lot of business necessary reasons that workers need to go into an office.

With that said, there are some things you may have forgotten since this pandemic started. If you are stuck at your home for work, remember these things:

  • Get up every day as though you are going to the office. Whatever your routine was pre-pandemic, continue to follow that. Whether it's getting up and running, or doing yoga, or reading the paper with a cup of coffee, continue to do that.

  • Get dressed as though you are going to work. Now, you may want to wear short pants as spring approaches, but be sure to wear a work appropriate shirt.

  • Turn your camera on for your Zoom or Teams meetings. You need to see people and they need to see you. There has been a certain level of forgiveness with level or hair and make-up grooming. However, don't tell your team you are keeping your camera off because you are not camera ready.

  • Keep the same work hours you had before the pandemic. It's easy to let work and home lines blur. Don't do it. Have a set time for work and a set time for being off.

  • Eat your lunch away from your desk. Whether you make a sandwich and eat it at the kitchen table or get food from a local favorite, remove yourself from the stresses of work.

  • Be sure to get up and move during the day. Walk to your mailbox or around the cul-de-sac. Not all of us can buy standing desks, so you have to make sure you get up at least once per hour. It's not healthy to sit all day, especially while looking at a computer screen.

  • Lastly, If you find yourself with more time due to lack of a commute, use it wisely. When I moved to a home-based role, I was given three extra hours each day. I gave one back to sleep, one to my company (thanking them for moving me to a home-based role), and one to me. Use that time to read a book, exercise more or pick up a hobby.

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